Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Great Walgreens Trip!

This past Sunday, I made a quick stop at Walgreens. I didn't have my lists or coupons pulled together yet, but I wanted to pick up a Complete Contact solution ($7.99 with $7.99 Register Reward).

As I was walking in, the manager who I have dealt with in the past (on many of my not-so-pleasant trips to Walgreens) was walking out. He stopped and greeted me, saying he hadn't seen me in a while. He was worried I had another bad experience (possibly with the "not-coupon-friendly" cashier) and that the store had lost me as a customer. I reassured him that I had just been traveling for work over the past few months.

Then he gave me the best news - the aforementioned "not-coupon-friendly" cashier is no longer employed by Walgreens. YEAH!!!!

I came home with a huge smile on my face - not so much for the free bottle of contact solution - but for the knowledge that I no longer need to shop around an employee's work schedule. What a great way to start couponing again!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Attention All Coffee Drinkers

Leslie Loves Veggies is giving away a Keurig Special Edition Brewing System. If you drink coffee, tea, or hot cocoa, I would encourage you to visit Leslie's blog.


More Peanut Butter & Chocolate

Guess what? I found another Reese's giveaway. And, it's Leslie Loves Veggies!!

This is a sample of various Reese's treats. Take a visit of Leslie's website and enter to win!


And Another...

Leslie Loves Veggies is having some great giveaways!!

This one is for a Cuisinart Griddler Jr. Go check it out!


Reese's Peanut Cups

I love chocolate and peanut butter. Always have. Always will.

Leslie Loves Veggies is giving away Reese's bars. While one side of me wants to be selfish, the better side of me wants to share this opportunity with you. Go check out her site!


Mr Clean Spring Giveaway

Leslie Loves Veggies is giving away a Mr. Clean Spring Cleaning prize package. Go visit her site and enter for a chance to win!

Leslie Loves Veggies

It's Couponing Time Again!

With the unexpected amount of travel I had for work the past three months, I basically stopped couponing. However, now that I've been home for a few weeks, I'm ready to jump back into the wonderful savings of couponing.

I spent some time yesterday cleaning out my binder - I basically have no coupons left!! I did some web surfing hoping to find some insert giveaways, but no luck. Oh well...I have the inserts from the past few weeks and hope I can find a few deals with what I got.