Sunday, August 30, 2009

Way Behind...and Becoming Overwhelmed

Where have the last two weeks gone? I was doing so good, and then two weeks ago hit. What triggered it? I have no idea, but I need to find some time to catch up!!

My coupon box is a mess. I need to pull expired, plus file LOTS of newbies. I am beginning to wonder if I need to go to the baseball card holder system. It's so nice being able to find everything alphabetically in my box, but is all the time it takes worth it? I'm really torn on how to proceed, which doesn't help my procrastination in cleaning up my mess. I looked at zippered three-ring binders today, but I only found ones with 1.5" ring...that just doesn't seem big enough. I wish I knew what to do!

I'm also behind on my record keeping. Since we have such LOUSY coupons in the Quad Cities, I get coupons from so many other sources that I like to keep track of what I actually use. But, again, is it worth my time? I have never thought of "my time" with a price tag associated with it, but maybe it's time for me to start thinking that way. How much of my limited free time is needed to keep my couponing hobby - habit - lifestyle - going?

I did score some freebie's today. Hit the double coupons at Kmart and picked up a few things, including some toiletry items that will go into the "Dad Stash". Hubs and I also did a Walmart run tonight and I grabbed some P&G travel size items with expiring coupons (Tide, Head & Shoulders). I hit a bonus last night at CVS...they had Sunday sale prices already posted, so I grabbed the Glade reed diffuser a day early. Gotta love a $6.99 price tag, minus a $3 coupon, with $6.99 easy cash bucks back. You don't hit $3 money-makers on a single product that often!

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