Thursday, September 10, 2009

Change in Tactics

I broke down. I just couldn't live with the box anymore. I bought a three-ring binder for my coupons. And, lots and lots and lots of baseball card holders. Spent way too much money, but I was bound and determined to fix my problem.

I think I'm going to go with a combination method. Since I get coupons from other sources (eBay, Coupon Clippers) I will always have clipped coupons. However, I am no longer going to cut the Sunday inserts and I going to use plastic page protectors to "file" them by date.

The neat thing (I think) is that I found a zippered binder that has two sets of rings. When the binder opens, there are 1.5" rings on each side, and they are off-set so the binder closes properly. My hope it that I can have my clipped coupons on one side, and the insert pages on the other side.

My one mistake was making the change mid-month. I should have waited until the 9/30 coupons expired, and then made the switch to the baseball card holders. I'm worried that while I need all the holders now, maybe I won't need that many once my process changes. But, I can live with that oops. Hopefully this system will be easier and I can stay on top of things.

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