Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Trip a Success

Last night was my first time shopping with the binder. It worked great! It's a tad on the large side, so it hangs off the edges of the shopping cart when open, but that was the only negative. It was great being able to flip through pages and see coupons, rather than having to pull them out of the box and finger through the entire stack. I need to spend some time this weekend refining a few things - section dividers, finishing filing, etc - but I hope to have the box fully retired by Monday.

Speaking of shopping - hubs and I did a Super Target run. Before coupons was $64, after was $29. I was expecting it to be a little lower than that, but we did pick up a few extras. On the way home, we stopped at Walgreens. Total oop was $3.02. We now have a three-wick Glade candle, another shower cleaner (being donated to church's garage sale), and some items for the Mom & Dad stash donation box.

Success all around last night!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! You are the winner of my giveaway :) Please email me your mailing address so I can get your coupons sent out to you! mtcw78 at
